6 Pros and Cons of Atkins Diet

6 Pros and Cons of Atkins Diet

There have been dozens of fad diets that have been introduced to the general public over the years; one of the most popular is the Atkins Diet. There are a variety of foods that you can and cannot eat and it has had different effects on people who have used it to their advantage. Below are some of the advantages and disadvantages of taking advantage of a fad diet such as this one.

List of Pros of the Atkins Diet

1. Hearty Eating
If you’re the type of person that enjoys eating a lot of hearty foods and avoiding salads, the Atkins Diet is the one for you. This diet gives you the ability to enjoy foods such as burgers and steaks.

2. Eating Healthy Carbs
Something that a lot of people assume is that every type of carbohydrate is a bad carbohydrate, but that is not the case. The Atkins Diet will teach you about eliminating refined carbs such as white bread and to intake healthy carbs. This is a great way to boost your weight loss efforts and give you more knowledge about what your body does and doesn’t need.

3. Avoiding Calories Counting
One of the most difficult parts of dieting is to count calories, whether you’re a champion dieter or not. With the Atkins Diet you don’t have to worry about counting calories as you will be looking at the total amount of carbs that help you to lose weight.

List of Cons of the Atkins Diet

1. Limited Energy
When you alter your eating habits and start eating more of a certain type of food, such as meats, you’re going to limit the energy that you have during the day. In fact, carbohydrates aren’t the most reliable source of energy that your body has access to. The more carbs that you eat, the more tired you’ll become over a long period of time.

2. Reduced Intake of Fruit and Grains
People who love eating fruits and certain types of vegetables and grains won’t enjoy the Atkins Diet. At the beginning you can expect to eat a strict regime or carbohydrate-based foods, but later on in the diet you might be able to add certain types of fruits and grains.

3. Strict Rules
Many people find it difficult to follow dieting plans because they have to customize their eating habits from the very beginning instead of slowly getting into a routine. You will be expected to make drastic eating changes immediately.