Cloud Seeding Pros and Cons


Cloud seeding has started with a chemical such as silver iodine. This has a crystal structure that is comparable to water ice. When the chemical has been dispersed into clouds, it will cause water droplets in the clouds to undergo nucleation.

In other words, this is a process of condensing clouds artificially in order to create rain. This makes precipitation possible especially in various areas where condensation is quite unlikely. It is essential to facilitate the formation of raindrop. However, the topic about cloud seedling has been one of the main subjects of major debates in different countries.



The Pros of Cloud Seeding

The following are the advantages of Cloud seeding that you need to remember:

Boosts Overall Precipitation.
Cloud seeding is introducing hygroscopic particles that retain water to the cloud. This efficiently facilitates the water vapor transition into liquid water, which is an important prerequisite for rainfall. Seeding a cloud has the effect of enhancing precipitation efficacy of a cloud system by causing water to condense and then fall to the ground.

Provide Relief to those drought-stricken areas. The formation of raindrop promoted by cloud seeding is essential for those in drought-stricken areas or places that are suffering from water scarcity. Apart from that, many countries or regions that are experiencing severe drought can use this process in order to produce raindrop. This can likewise solve the problem of water scarcity.

Reduce Crop Damage because of Precipitation. Cloud seeding can be effectively used to suppress some undesirable forms of precipitation like hail that can cause damage to urban areas and to crops. This can modify or alter storm clouds that otherwise would produce hail and some other forms of precipitation that are frozen.



The Cons of Cloud Seeding

Although it is true that cloud seeding is highly beneficial, there are also some disadvantages that you need to understand regarding the subject.

Has few negative effects on Environment and Weather. Some of the compounds that are used in cloud seeding can produce some detrimental effects to the environment. Such claim has been revealed by the United Nations Environment Program. Silver iodide is one of the most common chemical that is used in the process that has some structures that are similar to ice, and it a few negative effects to the environment.

Chronic Exposure or Target Organs. The chronic iodides ingestion may actually produce “iodism.” This can be manifested by running nose, mucous membrane irritation, headache, and skin rash. General depression, loss of weight, anemia and weakness may also happen. Chronic ingestion and inhalation may also cause argyria, which is characterized by mucous and skin membranes and blue-gray eyes discoloration. Also, chronic skin contact can cause permanent skin discoloration.

The question is actually not that cloud seeding is really harmful, but how harmful it is. Cloud seeding is obviously harmful that is why it is important to constantly monitor exposure to its chemicals. Do you believe that it is better to use this process to produce rain?