European Union Pros and Cons


Without any doubt, the EU is a powerhouse in trade and industry. The foundation of power is the hard work of workers in Europe and their enthusiasm to sell the labor and time in payment for an honest criterion of living. A superficial assessment of the European Union through non- member nations turns much attention to the countries that are changing policies in order to gain membership.



Pros of European Union Pros and Cons

1. No tariffs and free trade between the members of the nations.

2. Provide Common Currency: EU provides the same currency. The practice of Euro is compulsory as seen in many countries including Great Britain.

3. EMU also sets a widespread currency exchange fee.

4. Citizens of Europe allows for a free action between affiliate countries.

5. European Union opens up many job opportunities, so more possibility to gain significant amount of money.

6. The extensive sort of member nations opens up an entry to many more sources.

7. No conflict between affiliate nations. The answer to squabbles should be found in accordance to rules imposed by the European committee and parliament.

8. This can make a sense of unity and belonging among European Union members.

9. Multiple European Union capitals so entree to government affiliates is instantly accessible to citizens.

10. European Union members work as one in order to help other affiliate sustainability.

11. Regional growth funding and the European Union have scholarships which encourage education of people.

12. The European Union members identity is not at risk or compromised.

13. No certified languages and rules have been properly designated so wealthy nations such as Germany and France cannot control or rule smaller nations.

14. This provides lots of public companies to people and also there are lots of subsidies for farming.

15. The EU central bank tracks the interest rates.



Cons of European Union

1. There is no common language use between the nations, so communication is very difficult for the members and citizens as well.

2. The additional level of institution can eliminate some of the responsibility and power of the nation.

3. The rule imposed in order to secure the poor or smaller nations.

4. This threatens the national individuality of the members such as Sweden.

5. Meeting the necessities to join is so hard.

6. The edge of Europe is not identified; on the other hand you need to be a part of Europe to partake the European Union like Morocco.

7. Economic standard and government criteria are essential.

8. The administrative, the EC serves the European Union interest and not the entity of the country.

9. Members have lesser rule of what is sold and made in the borders.

10. This loss the sovereignty because a lot of people in Greece have commended.

11. Well developed nations such as Germany share their prosperity with other nations.

12. All members are restrict by similar regulations, so outside nations are able of influencing other country.

13. Difficult to withdraw and European Union can throw out leader of the institution once they think it is necessary.