Pet Euthanasia Pros and Cons

Pet Euthanasia Pros and Cons

There are a lot of pros and cons with pet euthanasia. This is where a pet is killed voluntarily in a humane way. The most common form is by putting the pet down to “sleep” and the pet will simply never wake up.

What Are the Pros of Pet Euthanasia?

1. Stop the Suffering of an Aging Pet.
The pros to pet euthanasia are significant. It will allow the pet to be in a better place if he is suffering from an injury or illness that they cannot overcome or if their age has gotten so high that they are not able to lead a quality form of life any longer.

2. An Onset of Chronic Pain and Illness.
When euthanasia is chosen by the pet owner, it is usually a very difficult decision to be made. The pro is that there are veterinarians that can help determine if it is time to euthanize based upon whether the pet is experiencing chronic pain, is no longer eating, cannot stand on his own, or is incontinent. Saying goodbye is not easy, but the pro is that the pet will be in a better place. The dog, cat, or other animal will no longer have to suffer.

3. Be Prepared for Closure.
Owners are also able to choose when they want closure. No one can say when a pet would die on their own and many owners say they want to be there when their pet goes. It can also help with the grieving process when it is planned instead of sudden.

What Are the Cons of Pet Euthanasia?

1. A Difficult Decision to Make.
There are many cons to euthanasia for pets as well. It is best to be informed about all of them before making the decision to put a pet down.

2. Is It Ethical?
The first is that there is an ethical argument being made. Many people say that it is against God’s way to euthanize man or animal and that a pet should be allowed to live until they die of natural causes. People will also argue that since pets are incapable of speech, it is impossible for vets or owners to know just how much pain they are in.

3. Availability and Accessibility.
Another con is that a person has to be certified to euthanize and therefore it can be difficult to find someone who will provide the service. There are home services where a person will come out to the house and this helps to provide assistance when it is difficult to transport the animal to the vet’s office. Some animals may also become stressed going to the vet and therefore is counterproductive when the idea behind euthanasia is to keep them calm.

Yet another con is when it is being done for population control, such as what happens in overcrowded kennels. Pet euthanasia is legal, but the pros and cons will depend upon individual circumstances. If it is something you are considering, talk to your vet and learn about both sides before coming to a decision.