6 Pros and Cons of Cloning Humans

6 Pros and Cons of Cloning Humans

Cloning humans may still be partly in the realm of science fiction but many of our scientific wonders and accomplishments were considered fictional or utopian once. Without delving into how controversial the very concept of cloning humans is, let us focus on the factual pros and cons.

List of Pros of Cloning Humans

1. Cloning humans can offer us many necessary solutions.
Defective genes can be eliminated. Perfect identical genes can be created. Many diseases can be eliminated from the human genome. It would also help with reproduction. Identical twins or identical people can be created. Couples who cannot have kids of their own due to infertility or some other problem will have the choice to have clones of themselves and can become parents.

2. Cloning humans can cater to the dire need of organ transplants.
At any given point in time, there are more people who need organs than organs available for donation or transplant. Cloning humans, even if it is simply for the sake of organ transplant, can be a life saver for innumerable people around the world.

3. Cloning humans will allow us to have more people with great skills.
For instance, those who are naturally gifted singers, musicians or even athletes can be replicated and we can have more of these people gracing our world. We can make positive contributions by having more good people with strengths instead of weaknesses that are inevitable right now.

4. Cloning humans would lead to genetic advancement and our better understanding will help in faster recovery from typical injuries or diseases.
Cloning will also go hand in hand with genetic modification. Right now, genetic modification in crops or plants has been fairly accomplished. Genetic modification in animals is underway in many countries. Modifying the human genes is relatively in its nascent phase. That will get a huge boost from cloning humans and vice versa.

List of Cons of Cloning Humans

1. There could be many side effects of cloning humans which we may not be aware of right now.
For instance, it is possible that cloning will lead to faster ageing. It is also possible that clones will suffer from diseases that we don’t have the capacity to understand right now. Cloning may even lead to premature death.

2. Cloning humans is an artificial process.
Interfering with nature and how a species evolves is largely seen as an ethically or morally questionable act. There’s no certainty if there will be any domino effect. Cloning will bring an end or at least reduce individuality. More people will be alike and that goes against the genetic diversity that our evolution over several millennia has produced.

3. Cloning humans may divide our society.
It will reduce the value of life. It is unacceptable for billions of people who don’t want anyone to play god but the god they believe in.