Labor Union Pros and Cons


Labor unions are organized groups of workers that protect and try to further their rights as workers. They are the product of unfair work environments and low wages that have been abused by large companies for decades. Labor unions began in the late 1700’s when tailors banded together to protest drastic wage cuts, this gained quite a bit of attention and has grown exponentially since then. While they are in place to benefit and protect workers, there are certainly some disadvantages. Let’s take a close look at both sides of the fence about labor unions.

Pros of Labor Union

Job Security
Labor unions prevent companies from laying off people without proper notice and compensation. This greatly benefits people from having to scramble to find new jobs and dealing with financial crisis due to the companies lack of consideration.

Gives Workers A Voice
Often times in business the employees are over looked, over worked, and under payed. Labor unions allow them to come together and be heard, making it impossible for the businesses to continue mistreatment.

Better Pay
When a large group of workers come together and protest in demand of something, such as higher pay, the business is forced to listen and often give in. This is because when workers go on “strike” the business is losing money every second.

Creates Equality
All workers are greatly benefited, however, minority workers such as women, are given a great opportunity for equal treatment. This is because unions are all about equality, with pay and treatment, for everybody.

Cons of Labor Union

Take Power From Employers
Labor unions often demand very unreasonable things, such as extremely high pay or an excessive amount of holiday time, that businesses must give in to. This effectively takes all of the power from the employer and owner of the business and puts it in the workers hands. This is a large con because the employees are not as affected by the success of the business as the employer.

High Dues
Unions take an astoundingly high amount of money from their members. This is to cover costs that they claim are necessary. However, many people that work underneath unions claim that the money they put into the union is not an accurate representation of the benefits they receive.

Higher Costs For Everyone
Labor unions often demand higher wages, in order to meet this demand the businesses must increase their costs. This translates into higher costs across the board, from the union worker to the consumer.

Harder To Move Up
A worker, no matter how skilled or experienced, can only move up at the same rate as all of the other union members. This is a great disservice to people who work hard because they cannot be recognized for it.

How Do You Feel About Labor Union

Labor unions are an inevitable part of the United States workforce. While they may be disruptive and annoying at time, they do come together for positive change. In our first world country the need for unions like these is diminishing quickly. Other countries that have very brutal labor laws, such as China, may benefit more from labor unions.