As of 2013, it became legal to carry a concealed handgun in all the states. Some states require permits to carry a handgun that is concealed, while other states only require that you register your firearm with either the Town Hall Clerk or Record Office or the Town Police Department. Most people cite the Second Amendment “The Right to Bear Arms” when arguing in favor of concealed carrying, however, there are strong points of opposition to this topic as well.
Many who believe in the right to carry concealed do so because they feel that if someone believes you to be armed, they are less likely to attack you. Those who are not in favor of carrying concealed weapons often say that if anyone can carry, there is more chance for violence. While both sides have good main points of argument, let us look deeper into some of the other pros and cons before you take a side.
States who have allowed for concealed carrying have reported less crime, such as murder reduced by a national average of at least 6 percent, rape by at least 3 percent and assault by at least 5 percent. It is estimated that had conceal carry been allowed during the late 70’s to the early 90’s as it is now more than 50,000 crimes may have been prevented. Also, people are less likely to assault or attack someone else if they know or believe that they may be carrying a concealed weapon. Many people fear being a victim of crime, and being able to carry a handgun makes people feel safer.
Knowing that they have the ability to protect themselves allows for more freedom to enjoy life instead of fearing parts of like, like walking at night or leaving a house or establishment at late hours. Also, the ability to protect yourself in your home has also reduced robbery and saved many lives. The Second Amendment also provides for the citizens of the United States to keep and bear arms. While this law is constantly judged and picked apart to determine how much force and what the limit for use is, many will stand behind it.
Most adults who do carry a concealed firearm follow the law and have no criminal past or affiliations. While many may feel that carrying offers them the chance to be more violent, those who carry are often less violent than those who carry illegally. Carrying a concealed handgun also reduces the time it takes to protect yourself. The average wait time for first responders to an emergency nationwide is roughly nine minutes. In that time, you could be assaulted, robbed, raped, or killed before the responders arrive. Being able to protect yourself is key.
Carrying a concealed weapon, though, can lead to an increase in crime because if anyone can carry, then anyone is more capable of committing crimes because they have the power to do so. Many states feel that those who carry pose more of a threat because with this fire power, they have more control over those who don’t. By regulating everyone to the same standard of not carrying, everyone remains (to some degree) more equal. Some people also feel that confrontations that would otherwise be handled without violence or in a lethal way have more chance of spiraling out of control if someone is armed. When emotions run high, actions often takeover before words.
For those who are in favor of the Second Amendment, there are those who believe that the Second Amendment was not enacted to give those the power to use firearms recklessly and that it does not mention concealed weapons. Another strong point that is often brought up is that if criminals know that anyone can carry, they are more likely to arm themselves as well.
There are many points in favor for carrying concealed and just as many for opposing it. Of course, it depends on the state you live in and your own personal feelings, but having some statistics and opposing thoughts to consider may help you in your decision making process.