Lowering the Drinking Age to 18 Pros and Cons


There is an argument going about lowering the drinking age to 18 years old. Many parents said that lowering the drinking age to 18 can help their kids become a responsible drinker once they reach the age of 21. However, prior to agreeing, it is essential to know the pros and cons of lowering the drinking age.

3 Pros of Lowering the Drinking Age to 18

1. Lessens Unsafe Drinking Deeds
The most risky age for drinking is between the age of 18 and 20. People acquire their legal rights once they reach the age of 18, apart from drinking. Through letting even an overseen drinking capability for people in this age, it can lessen the risky drinking activities which can lead to worse decisions.

2. Lessens The Accidents Related To DUI Of Alcohol
In various countries, 18 is the legal age to drink. In these regions, they have noticed a greater decrease of accidents associated with driving under the influence of alcohol compared to US where 21 is the legal age to drink.

3. Gets Rid Of Thrill Drinking
In the age of 18 to 20, frequently there are binge drinking series just because it provides them excitement to break the regulation. Get rid of the thrill through lowering the drinking age. This also eliminates the taboo, motivating normal consumption of alcohol in the significant age bracket.

3 Cons of Lowering the Drinking Age to 18

1. Young Brains Are Susceptible To The Consumption Of Alcohol
Through lowering the drinking age to 18 years old, this will put a community stamp of consent on the harm which alcohol can lead in brain development. Organization, planning as well as emotional development can be affected by regular and early alcohol consumption. Even it if it is true that teenagers will still possibly drink, that doesn’t signify community need to consent of that option.

2. More Unsafe Settings
When a young individual take too much amount of alcohol, it can affect their decision making skill. This can result to unsafe sex, fights as well as other devastating activities which can affect their life.

3. Easier Access To Liquor
Some teenagers who are below 18 years old are not even out of secondary school yet. The fact that they are lawfully permitted to buy alcohol, there’s a possibility that these kids will then give this to their classmates who might be underage.

What is Your Stand Regarding Lowering the Drinking Age to 18 years old?

In countries that imposed 18 years of age prior to having a right to drink reported more number of binge drinking in the age of 13 under, on the other hand more responsible activities in the vital eighteen to twenty age groups. There are less young kid concerns with alcohol in the US, but more concerns in the eighteen to twenty groups. Lowering the drinking age to 18 years old beneficial or not? Maybe it all depends on you.