Pakistan Poverty Statistics

Pakistan Poverty Statistics

Pakistan is among the nations around the world that experiences poverty. Throughout the history, the country has experienced a phase of high growth that is also interrupted by crises and shocks. In 2000’s, Pakistan has experienced a variety of steady economic growth after facing significant challenges for the recent years.

Increasing Poverty

As of 2013, Pakistan poverty statistics has shown that still there are more Pakistan people that belongs to the line of poverty. Going back to year 2008, there is a sharp rise in Pakistan’s food prices as well as in the international oil which brought some devastating impact on its economy, which lead to its slowing growth as the inflation had continued to soar.

Influence from Natural Disaster

In 2010, Pakistan had experienced widespread flood. This also added to their economic worse and had threatened their actions of reversing their poverty reduction. They had also experienced rising levels of religious and ethnic strife. Pakistan’s insecurity and conflict had limited its capacity to effectively deal with their persistent poverty.

Pakistan poverty statistics had also shown that in 2001 to 2005, its poverty rate had declined. But still almost a quarter of its population still live below the Pakistan’s poverty level while some 60 percent of it belongs just above the national poverty line. The education and health indicators of the country still remains at low compared to other nations found in the South Asia while its socio-economic indicators remains the lowest in its sub-region.

United Nations Development Initiatives

As of United Nations development Program’s 2013 Human Development Index, Pakistan had ranked to be the 146th out of the 187 nations. United Nations development Program’s 2013 Human Development Index is a comparative measure of literacy life expectancy, standards of living and education for countries around the world. Reports had shown that the poverty in Pakistan is primarily the country’s rural problem. The poverty in the country differed from its one province to another. Pakistan’s poverty is mainly distributed in its mountainous regions where small, isolated and scattered communities could be found.

Effects of Poverty

People in Pakistan who mostly suffer from poverty are those small farmers who have limited livestock and land to farm, or those landless farmers and have les access to the country’s resources, assets and services of their own. According to some surveys, the main cause of poverty in the rural communities of the country is the unequal distribution of the country’s assets, specifically the access on water and land.

Surveys that have been conducted years ago show that the poverty in Pakistan has worsened by floods during the year 2010 that also inflect widespread devastation during the year 2011. Surveys during the year 2012 show that every third Pakistani live below the poverty line while the World Development Indicators 2013 had determined that there are 60% of the Pakistan’s population that is currently living in below the national poverty line. Last 2013, reports had also shown that Pakistan is ranked as the most exposed among 43 countries to poverty risks. Pakistan poverty statistics shows that the poverty rate in the country had already jumped to 37.5% from 23.9% in 3 years which is alarming and devastating at the same time.