Pros and Cons of Spaying and Neutering

Pros and Cons of Spaying and Neutering

Bob Barker encouraged watchers of The Price is Right to spay and neuter their pets at the close of many broadcasts. The benefits of this practice have been known for quite some time. It means fewer animal offspring, lower lifetime costs for a pet, and the potential of having a happier, longer living animal as well. Could there be some disadvantages to the spaying and neutering process as well? Here is a look at some of the pros and cons that are being considered.

The Pros of Spaying and Neutering

It reduces the street pet population.
There is an estimated 70 million street pets in the United States right now that don’t have a home. Many of these pets come from litters that were either unexpected or a household didn’t have the money to support them. By spaying and neutering pets, the population of homeless pets will begin to naturally decrease.

It reduces potential health problems.
Animals that are spayed or neutered typically live longer because there is a reduced risk of the fatal diseases that are associated with the animals reproductive system. This means that households have a greater chance of having their pets live with them for a decade or more, making them a legitimate member of the family.

It saves households money.
Although there is an initial upfront cost to spaying or neutering that can be problematic for some families, when compared to the costs of having litters or veterinarian costs that may occur, the amounts are dramatically lower. Households can save several thousand dollars per pet with this one simple procedure.

The Cons of Spaying and Neutering

There’s always a risk with a medical procedure.
Although spaying and neutering is an extremely safe medical procedure, there is always a small amount of risk that harm or even death may occur during or after the surgery. This would mean that a pet owner may not only lose their pet, but they may be receiving veterinarian bills in the mail to pay later on as well.

It disrupts the natural cycle of life.
Many people believe that animals are meant to bear offspring because that’s how they’ve been designed. By denying the animal the ability to have a litter, we are essentially exploiting animals so that they can meet our purposes instead of being able to fulfill their own natural purpose.

It can be expensive.
Although some low-cost spay and neuter clinics can perform this procedure for as little as $40, some veterinarians may charge upwards of $200 for it to be done. For a family that is living paycheck to paycheck, that’s money that would normally go to groceries, the power bill, or other necessary items.

Spaying and neutering a pet is very safe, usually quite cost effective, and it will help to control the pet population. By weighing the potential disadvantages of the surgery against the advantages, each pet owner can determine if this is a procedure that is right for their pet.