Separation of Church and State Pros and Cons


It is definitely true that church & state is considered as one of the salient factors that build up a society. These two plays a vital role in attaining the progress of a certain country. However, there are individuals who want to separate the church from state and this is one of the big debates that most countries are experiencing today.

Separation of Church and State Pros

  • If you are part of democratic country, you need to be aware that separation of church and state must be absolute since this is the only solution to prevent the religions to be influenced by the government.
  • When you hear the term state, it simply means that they are more focus on politics and church is focus on religion. Religion is considered as one of the salient factor in life that must be respected and treasured. In this way, in order to obtain the democracy that you are searching for, separating the church and state is the best option to be considered.
  • Separation of church and state is highly recommended in democratic country to make sure that the progress in a certain country will be successfully met.

Separation of the Church and State Cons

  • When the church is being separated with the state, the state doesn’t have the right to dictate the people on what religion they want to deal with.
  • When they are completely separated, the state is free to come up with their respective plans in the society as well as the church is also free to govern the people especially when it comes to religion.
  • However, separation of church and state does not exist in Constitution and this is one of the reasons why most people are starting to wonder about their status in their society.

How Do You Feel About the Separation of the Church & State?

As long as the government will not force the people to choose and follow a religion, it will be fine. What matter most is that the unity must be implemented in every country to make sure that progress will come along.