5 Interesting Facts About Blue Whales

5 Interesting Facts About Blue Whales

Blue whales are the largest creatures that are on the planet today. They’ve been observed to be at least 100 feet long and are estimated to weight about 150 tons. This means that they could even be the largest animal that has ever been on our planet throughout all of history. They are also one of the most endangered animals on the planet, with an estimated 5,000 or less remaining because of whaling, ocean pollution, and even contact with boats.

1. That’s a Funky Relative

Scientists believe that the blue whale actually evolved from a primitive version of the hippopotamus. Their tails are as wide as a football net, their front limbs turned into fins that could be used for propelling, and their hind legs were reduced to become a sort of rudder system to help with the swimming system. As for their size, no one really knows why they have grown to be as big as they are, but considering they weigh about the same as 30 full-sized elephants, the blue whale is an animal you can’t ignore.

2. A Super Tasty Diet

A big animal requires a big diet. The blue whale has a mouth that is massive. It is believed that 100 people could fit into a whale’s mouth if it ever developed the taste for humans. Fortunately for the human race, blue whales only eat the smallest animals that are on the planet: krill. That’s right – the largest animal ever eats the smallest animal known. It filters them out of the water as it is swimming and this helps to support its massive bulk.

3. Taste That Fresh Air

The blue whale actually breathes through massive lungs. It is able to get its air through the use of a nostril that’s positioned perfectly on its head. This allows the whale to be near the surface to breathe, but then dive down once again once its lungs have filled up with air. Considering the heart of a blue whale is about the size of a Mini Cooper, imagine how much air its lungs can hold. When it does breathe, the water along the surface of the water can be blown up to 30 feet in the air.

4. The Ultimate Rock Star

Blue whales are also the loudest animals that humans know of right now. When they’re calls go out, they can be heard for miles away. This is because they speak whale at a noise level of 190 decibels. In comparison, the average rock concert is at 150 decibels and the Seattle Seahawks 12th man regularly cheers at 135 decibels during football games. Scientists believe that the songs that are sung are loud enough to be heard by other blue whales who are up to 1,000 miles away.

5. A Fast Growing Baby

Blue whales need to grow up fast as babies to avoid becoming prey for a great white shark or an orca. Baby blue whales will drink up to 100 gallons of whale milk every day and that translates into weight gains of about 9 pounds per hour.

Blue whales are believed to have similar lifespans to humans. They are fascinating creatures that are a living testament to what our world can do. Now its up to us to protect these animals for future generations.