Pros and Cons of DNA Fingerprinting


DNA fingerprinting is one of the most reliable scientific ways of identifying genetic information known as DNA or Deoxyribonucleic acid of one’s cell. Deoxyribonucleic acid is a combination of 4 nucleotides namely adenine, guanine, cytosine, and thymine. This scientific method is commonly used in identifying a dead body, establishing paternity, and analyzing organisms that cause illnesses and helping solve crimes. Just a small amount or drop of blood or a root of the hair is sufficient enough for DNA fingerprinting or testing.

This method can pinpoint the unique structure of individuals’ DNA. This is a popular method that is frequently used in paternity testing, forensic and medicine. DNA samples can also be taken from semen, sample cheek swab or skin scrapings. DNA fingerprinting is also recognized as one of the most accurate technologies in terms of determining parentage.

The pros and cons of DNA fingerprinting are also being highly talked upon these days. If you are eager to know more about this scientific method, it would be helpful if you got knowledge about its pros and cons.



Pros of DNA Fingerprinting

DNA Fingerprinting has been used for different purposes and this method is proven to be reliable and beneficial. The pros of DNA Fingerprinting include the following:

1. This method is helpful in gathering evidences used in criminal trial and can be used to convict guilty and acquit the innocent.

2. DNA fingerprinting provides medical professionals with information needed to determine hereditary diseases. This method also helps patients prevent the disease through lifestyle changes and intervention.

3. This also offers peace of mind for parents and other individuals seeking for identity.

4. DNA fingerprinting makes establishment of relationship and identification lot easier.

5. This method is also very versatile, flexible and efficient. Even with just a small drop, identity can easily be established.



Cons of DNA Fingerprinting

1. The accuracy and efficiency of DNA fingerprinting solely depend on competency of equipment, lab personnel and experience.

2. This method can degrade as time passes by and this would result to inaccurate result and information.

3. Inaccurate result can also put an innocent person to jail or to other complicated situation.

4. There is also a possibility of discrimination.

5. The prevalence and resilience of DNA can inundate crime scenes with excessive DNA especially in public places like bars or restrooms. Human error also plays ab big part in confusion and labeling.

The pros and cons of DNA Fingerprinting are interesting topics to take if you wanted to learn more about the strengths and weaknesses of this method though it might not be the best way to determine identity in the future, especially when innovations and more advanced techniques are introduced. This will remain a powerful and helpful method that will benefit law enforcement and other sectors.

There might be some cons in DNA Fingerprinting but it cannot be denied that the pros is still outweighing. If people are finding it hard to determine whose DNA is being specified at, this method can be of valuable help.