Disadvantages and Advantages of Birth Control Pills

Disadvantages and Advantages of Birth Control Pills

Birth control pills are an easy way to regulate reproductive health. You take a pill based on doctor’s instructions and this limits the chances of becoming pregnant. Certain hormonal issues can also be treated by these pills and they are often free or at a very low cost once prescribed. On the other hand, some people feel that birth control pills are contrary to their personal faith or may cause people to make decisions about their sexual health that they may not make if the pills were not being taken. Let’s separate fact from fiction. Here are the advantages and disadvantages of taking birth control pills.

The Advantages of Birth Control Pills

1. It can regulate reproductive health.
Women who take birth control pills tend to have more control over their monthly cycle. When that cycle is particularly heavy or painful, the pills can help to normalize it so that it doesn’t have to be as debilitating. These pills can also help with cysts and endometriosis.

2. Birth control doesn’t interrupt natural sexuality.
Foreplay and intercourse happen naturally when birth control pills are being used. There doesn’t have to be a stoppage to put on a condom or place other birth control methods in place. Certain spermacides can also cause numbness when being used, which directly affects the enjoyment of sexuality for some as well.

3. It can reduce acne.
Because the hormones in birth control pills help to regulate the body’s systems, it can quickly help to improve acne and prevent it from occurring. These pills can also help to reduce the risks of pelvic inflammatory disease, certain breast changes, and the chances of an ectopic pregnancy forming.

4. Birth control pills may contribute to lower abortion numbers.
Women can also take birth control pills after they’ve had an abortion, which can reduce the chances of requiring a second abortion. Preventing pregnancy is the key to reducing abortion levels and birth control pills are an active component of this prevention model.

5. They are widely available.
Birth control pills are widely available to all women of childbearing age in the developed world. This gives a woman more control over her family, her life, and her future.

The Disadvantages of Birth Control Pills

1. They are not 100% effective at preventing pregnancy.
You can still get pregnant even if you are taking birth control pills. Certain antibiotics and other prescription medications can interfere with their effectiveness. Smoking and other lifestyle habits can also reduce their effectiveness. Even if they are used properly, there is still up to a 1% chance with some pills that a pregnancy could occur.

2. There are rare, but potentially life-threatening side effects.
Birth control pills are known to cause strokes, heart attacks, and other life-threatening health issues. Although these side effects are relatively rare, it is a risk that is assumed when taking birth control pills.

3. There is no STI or STD protection.
Some believe that taking birth control pills will completely liberate them sexually. This isn’t necessarily the case. Although these pills reduce the chances of pregnancy and can create a healthy monogamous sexual relationship, birth control doesn’t stop an STI or STD. Before any sexual activity, it is wise to have all parties tested as a best practice.

4. Pills have to be taken once per day to be effective.
If you forget to take your birth control pills, then you increase the chances of them not working. It can take up to a week for some pills to regain their effectiveness even if you just miss two consecutive days of taking them. Because of the demanding schedules that modern lifestyles demand, this disadvantage can often come into play.

5. It can make it difficult to become pregnant when you wish.
For women who have decided that they want to have children after taking birth control pills for some time, it can be a lengthy process to achieve this goal. Some medical professionals recommend up to 24 months after stopping these pills for a pregnancy to occur.

Birth control pills are generally seen as a positive way to regulate health and prevent unwanted pregnancies while maintaining sexual health. They may not be for everyone on a case-by-case basis, but their effectiveness is proven despite the small risks they create. Only your doctor can decide if birth control pills are right for you, so make an appointment and discuss this guide while there for best results.