Pros and Cons of Welfare Reform

Pros and Cons of Welfare Reform

Welfare reform is an issue that draws the ire of many citizens. There are some who do not believe in any sort of social services and see America as a place where it is every man for themselves. Meanwhile, there are more liberal viewpoints on the subject, spoken by those who believe that everyone should be able to experience some form of the American dream. Let’s take a closer look at the pros and cons of welfare reform.

List of Pros of Welfare Reform

1. Lower Welfare Case Load
When there is less welfare to go around, this decreases the case load for government workers and allows them to focus on other pursuits. Less welfare cases mean less work for government employees, which allows the powers that be to trim the fat and ensure that taxpayer money does not go to waste.

2. Less Government Spending
There are many who have attributed the strong economic performance of the United States during the latter half of the 1990s to the welfare reform movement. While the economy was strong for a variety of reasons, it cannot be denied that welfare reform was one of the catalysts involved.

3. No Rewards For Having Children
There are many who complained that the old welfare system essentially rewarded parents who had children out of wedlock. By reforming the welfare system, the incentives for out of work parents who were having children for increased benefits have been slashed. This also leads to far less hungry children throughout the nation.

List of Cons of Welfare Reform

1. Less Help For Single Mothers
When a single mother applies for welfare, she now does so knowing that she will not have a long period of time in which to rely upon this helpful form of government assistance. By changing the rules of welfare, many single mothers who have nowhere else to turn are being left to fend for themselves.

2. Not Enough Aid For The Transitional Period
The United States attempted to provide block grants to many states, with the objective of training and preparing those who had been living on welfare for a life as part of the work force. While the government had the correct idea on paper, it did not work in execution, as time limits for this aid program expired, leaving many without assistance.

3. Joblessness
Wanting a nation of people who are beginning to become too dependent upon welfare for survival to obtain jobs is understandable. However, without a steady supply of jobs for those who are in need, there is very little that can be done. Lack of employment opportunities for those who live in poverty is a problem that is not going to fade away anytime soon.