Two Party System Pros and Cons


The two party system is included in the big political parties that run during elections by voting the entire department in the government. This only means that in each and every department in government, the elected members often come from two parties. In a country that follows this system legislature, the party that has a very high number of votes is usually called as the Majority Party and other party below it is the Minority Party. In some counties like in United States, the tow party system is being followed with fewer third parties that often have a smaller number of members.


Today, there are some constitution that supports the two party system so it can really survive from any issues and controversies. Most of the time, this system is called as democrats and republicans. This is usually supported by the external finance sources such as influential companies, media, and famous celebrities. Actually, two party system comes with advantages and disadvantages. This is the information that is getting the interests of a lot of people who want to know more about this party.



The Pros of Two Party System

  • Help Voters Decide on a Party – Two party system clarify and giving solutions into the issues that are often encountered by most voters. Through the help of this system, it is possible that voters will never find the candidate that will grab their interest.
  • More Efficient Government – Parties today are usually surrounded by various branches of government such as local, federal, and state departments. It allows the politicians to make their coalitions or group in order to manage and finish essential things properly.
  • Easily Managed – It is true that two parties system is so easy to manage so most politicians decide to have it when there is an election.



The Cons of Two Party System

  • People Have Two Options – Because it comes with two parties, voters will have difficulties in choosing the right politician. Aside from that, they might need lots of time in choosing the well trusted one.
  • Promote Deadlock and Division – Each and every party is always looking for political advantages and office holders that are often underneath a great pressure. The hyper-competitive attitude that is often possessed by a politician will give him or her gridlock in the congress.
  • Promote’s Corruption – Corruption is one of the issues that often encounter by bunch of countries today. One of the reasons why the rate of corruption is increasing is due to two party system.


How Do You Feel About Two Party System?

Creating this two party system is really a great idea because it can also give helpful benefits not only to the people but also to the countries. But, because of corruption that it promoted, many people don’t give their trust and vote to running politicians. Due to this information, you and other people around the world that two party system also have negative backgrounds. That’s why if you will vote a certain politician, make sure that he is not like the wrong ones.