6 Pros and Cons of Communism

6 Pros and Cons of Communism

Communism is a social, political, and economic theory that was developed by Karl Marx. This ideology was started as a revolt against the rich and the bourgeois, and to benefit those who are in the lower classes. The basic ideas that communism uses are social classes are unnecessary and all resources should be equally shared by all members of a society. Therefore, the people should all be able to achieve the same lifestyle as everyone else, giving none of the members of society special favor or consideration.

There are many who contradict this form of government and say that it works against ambition, and then there are those who argue that communism is the best form of governance. Find out more about the ups and downs of communism by reading this list of pros and cons.

List of Pros of Communism

1. Equal Opportunities for All
Many people today complain that they aren’t able to access some necessities, essentials, and even luxuries because of financial barriers. Many of those living in lower socioeconomic classes are no strangers to being deprived of certain benefits simply because they weren’t rich enough to afford them. Health care is a good example of a necessity that majority of poorer classes can’t avail of, and this limits their ability to receive appropriate, necessary, and quality treatment and management no matter how serious, urgent, or grave their illness might be. But in a communist country, everyone can get access to the same benefits and services that others receive because of the absence of preference for certain socioeconomic classes.

2. Jobs for All
Communism’s backbone is that it requires members of its society to contribute everything they can to the majority in order to receive their share of necessities. That said, everyone in a communist country gets access to work opportunities, which means everyone in the community is given the chance to perform meaningful work. What’s more, communist countries do not allow employers to hire-and-fire, which is a common practice among many other countries. This allows members of society to feel secure, knowing that they’re not at risk of losing their jobs as long as they perform their duties.

3. Basic Needs are Met
Even the poorest members of society will get what they need and will always be granted the ability to avail of medical care, education, food, and shelter. This eliminates the chances of having homeless people litter the streets, and will also ensure that all individuals are adequately fed, clothed, and sheltered to sustain all members of society.

List of Cons of Communism

1. Reduces Ambition
No one wants to be left behind in a lower level of the socioeconomic divisions, and this is why many of those in countries with classes strive to better themselves. When there is something to earn, something to achieve, and something to attain, individuals work to better themselves and to earn a more comfortable lifestyle for themselves and for their families. The end result is an ambitious group of societal members who explore opportunities and create innovations that don’t only highlight their personal skills and abilities, but also put their nation at the forefront of different industries. That said, a communist country is likely to reduce and even completely kill ambition. Uniquely skilled and talented individuals are forced to suppress their creativity because it has no reward. Exemplary performance is not given special attention, and efforts to better themselves and their loved ones are rendered useless because of the absence of classes.

2. Stifles Expression
Communist countries are ruled by dictators and their government which are designated as both omnipresent and omnipotent. There is no such thing as free media and other sources of information like the internet are almost always tampered with so that the minds of the country’s members are somehow brainwashed into the same ideas. This is why expression is often stifled and people remain unheard. Global issues that are considered irrelevant by the government and the leader are removed from information resources, and publications are sanitized before it reaches the people. It is because of this government intervention that those living in communist countries often become blind to the realities of the outside world.

3. Susceptible to Corruption
While communism aims to eliminate royalties, the rich, and the bourgeois, it is no less susceptible to corruption than other forms of government. This is because power and information are only given to a set of rulers who then decide what is best for the people. This higher power gives them the ability to manipulate the system, providing them the opportunity to adjust outcomes to meet their own needs, preferences, and desires. That’s why communist countries are no strangers to seeing their rulers living rich, lavish lifestyles while the rest of the society makes do with what they are given to share.