4 Interesting Facts About Bengal Tigers

4 Interesting Facts About Bengal Tigers

Bengal tigers are one of the most recognizable animals on the planet today. Living in India, they are the most common tiger subspecies today and account for about 50% of all the wild tigers that still exist. They are an important part of the lore of Indian culture and are fierce, independent creatures that love to roam large territories.

1. Distinctive Stripes

The striping pattern on the Bengal tiger is used as camouflage, but it is also a distinctive pattern. No two tigers have the exact same stripes. This allows the tigers to be able to lie in the dark, wait for a meal to pass them by, and then creep up on the animal so that they can pounce. If they’re hungry, they can eat up to 60 pounds of food in a single night.

2. Not Maneaters

Bengal tigers have gotten a reputation of being a man eating animal, but this really isn’t a justified reputation. Most tigers will actually avoid humans at all costs. The only exception to this rule is if the animal happens to be sick for some reason or unable to hunt as it usually would. Only when there is no other option does a tiger begin to see humans as prey.

3. Where’s Dad?

Mom tigers will have up to 6 cubs in a single litter and they are often completely responsible for raising their children. The males are rarely around the rest of the little ones, which means until the cubs reach the age of 18 months, mom is doing all of the hunting for them. A litter will stay together for about 2-3 years before striking off on their own.

4. Distinct Advantages

Why do Bengal tigers primarily hunt at night? It’s because they have remarkably keen senses that allow them to dominate the darkness. Their hearing is their greatest attribute, as they can hear 5x better than most humans. Their night vision is equally impressive, being 6x better than the average human. If you do happen to see a tiger at night and his ears are flat, it’s time to get out of that situation as fast as you can.

Bengal tigers typically live about 15 years in the wild, but they’ve been known to live above the age of 20 when held in captivity. With a roar that can be heard from over 2 miles away, there is no doubt about the strength of the mighty Bengal tiger.