5 Interesting Facts About Mongolia

5 Interesting Facts About Mongolia

Many people know about the country of Mongolia thanks to Genghis Khan. Khan himself was an interesting leader. He could not read or write, but he commissioned one of the world’s first writing systems: the Mongolian script. If you visit Mongolia, then you can see the 131 foot statute that commemorates this man as he sits atop the world’s tallest statue of a horse. There are some other interesting facts about this landlocked country.

1. It Used To Be a Sea

One of the predominant features in Mongolia is the Gobi desert. It’s one of the most fascinating places on the planet because the desert used to be a thriving sea. There are fossils that can be found in the desert sands in many areas. There are also a number of dinosaur fossils that are easily accessed. Tourists who go to the Gobi desert can actually pick up dinosaur fossils and take them along as souvenirs.

2. All Gods Were Welcome

Genghis Khan had an interesting philosophy on life. He wanted to guarantee a place in the afterlife. To make sure that he could do this, he tolerated every religion that was present at the time so that no God would be unappreciative of his efforts and give him a chance at experiencing whatever afterlife there happened to be. This philosophy didn’t last long after his death. Buddhism would soon become the dominant religion.

3. Some Interesting Money There

the average worker in Mongolia will earn about $150 per month. The money that they use in this country is actually printed in the United Kingdom. After the money is shipped to Mongolia, an interesting thing begins to happen. It begins to smell like mutton. That’s because the meat from sheep is one of the most commonly consumed food products in the country.

4. Small But Mighty

Since 1990, Mongolia has called a government that is very similar to that of the United States. They follow a capitalistic set of principles and even have their own stock exchange. The Mongolian Stock Exchange is the smallest independent stock exchange in the entire world that is focused on capitalism and not some other form of wealth acquirement. How small is Mongolia? The horses in the country outnumber the people who live there. Maybe that’s why Taiwan was claiming Mongolia as part of its territory until just recently.

5. Younger Than You

Mongolia is actually one of the youngest countries in the world today. 30% of the Mongolian population is under the age of 14. For those kids who live the life of a nomad, the most common pet is in a dog or a cat. It’s an eagle. Some of them are even use for hunting purposes so that families can have the food that they need to eat.

With an average elevation of 5800 feet, Mongolia is one of the highest countries in the world. A trip there is also one of the greatest adventures that someone can take. If you ever get the chance to experience Mongolia, then consider these facts and enjoy the trip of a lifetime.