Not everything can be shown on TV, and that’s why media censorship was created. This method of filtering information and images that are shared through media channels has been put into action to shield people, especially children, from sensitive content that could cause significant mental and emotional stress. While media censorship was instilled for the good of unsuspecting viewers, there are some who question its importance and wonder whether or not it’s completely necessary to begin with.
List of Pros of Censorship in the Media
1. Protecting Children
Some graphic images like violence, sexual content, and adult language is considered unsuitable for younger viewers. But because some parents might not be present to check what their kids are watching, it has become the role of governing bodies to designate whether or not certain content is safe for broadcast – with or without parental guidance.
2. Harmful Advertising
Media censorship works to keep people protected from otherwise harmful advertising. Encouraging viewers to buy alcohol, cigarettes, and other potentially dangerous substances is limited with censorship.
3. Controlling Hate
One of the main things that the media is careful to present o viewers is hate. The broadcasting of racist, sexist, or derogatory content is prohibited and censored to discourage people from enacting hate in their lives.
List of Cons of Censorship in the Media
1. Breeds Ignorance
There are some worldly issues that can only be represented with graphic or disturbing images. Bombings, terrorist attacks, starvation, and abuse are just some of the problems in our world today, but because censorship keeps these images from viewers, the ignorant are likely to remain ignorant.
2. Personal Interest
With the government at the helm of media censorship, viewers are put at risk of being given only information that benefits or agrees with those that control the media. There have been instances in the past when politicians and dictators have leveraged the media to brainwash people for support and to keep important information away from them to sustain their belief in his power.
3. Hinders Sex Awareness
There are lots of people who get infected with sexually transmitted infections and even more that get pregnant without preparation and planning. That said, it has become more and more important to raise awareness on sexual activity and what it can do. Sadly, because discussions and images of sex aren’t deemed applicable for some viewers, media censorship has limited its ability to fulfill this purpose.