6 Pros and Cons of Biometric Technology

6 Pros and Cons of Biometric Technology

Technological advancements and innovation have changed the world we live in monumentally. These days, tech gadgets and equipment have altered the way we perform even the most mundane of daily tasks. Biometric technology for example has changed our standards for security and identity forever. But is it really as beneficial as developers claim. Learn more about the pros and cons of biometric technology by reading through these short pointers.

List of Pros of Biometric Technology

1. Ease of Use
With the advent of biometric technology, we can finally say goodbye to the long and tedious processes at airports, banks, and other high security locations. By simply scanning our fingers, these public services can verify our identity and grant us access to what we want or need to gain access to.

2. Information Resource
Even with physical evidence left at crime scenes, it’s hard for investigative bodies to pinpoint a culprit when there’s no information to compare to their crime scene findings. But the database being grown through biometric systems can help ease the process of identifying criminals and terrorists by providing law enforcement officials information on the many different registered individuals on the database.

3. Limits Identity Fraud
Money laundering, theft, and other financially related crimes are easily performed by fraudulent use of someone else’s identity, but if a bank or business requires biometric information prior to transactions, it can become much harder to steal another person’s identity.

List of Cons of Biometric Technology

1. Expensive
Before a facility can avail of and equip itself with biometric technology, it must first pay up a large amount. Aside from the machines and equipment used to collect data, the storage system and maintenance can be quite a pain in the pocket.

2. Errors Aren’t Unlikely
While they are highly advancement innovations, biometric technology machines are not immune to errors. In every 1,000 people, 10 can be misidentified and this can cause great stress, trouble, and problems in the location where the device is being used. If a person is misidentified in a bank for example, they may be restricted from gaining access to funds that they actually own.

3. Not 100% Crime Proof
Some criminals go the extra mile to outsmart biometric devices, and we’ve seen these methods in movies many times before. Simply burning out a fingerprint or using a covering on the fingers could obscure information and produce inconclusive results and identification.