Pros and Cons of Raising the Driving Age

Pros and Cons of Raising the Driving Age

For many years now, the debate has raged on about whether to raise the driving age from 16 to 18. There are a number of studies that show how susceptible 16 and 17 year old drivers are to accidents and many believe that boosting the driving age will keep the roads safer. Each side has valid points to make, so let’s take a closer look at the pros and cons of this proposal.

List of Pros of Raising the Driving Age

1. Additional Exercise For Young People.
Obesity in American youths is at an all time high. If kids cannot simply drive everywhere, they will be forced to walk and ride bicycles, which is great for their long term health. There are many experts who believe raising the driving age can put a serious dent in the epidemic of youth obesity.

2. Less Stress For Parents.
There are few moments that are more nerve racking for parents than the day when they hand over their keys to their child and allow them to hit the open road without supervision. Knowing that their 16 or 17 year old child has a lesser chance of being killed or injured in a car accident can serve as a huge relief and increase peace of mind.

3. More Likely To Use A Cell While Driving.
If you have a teen who is driving, then there is a good chance that they are also using a cell phone while they are operating a motor vehicle. Not only is this practice illegal in the majority of states, but it is very dangerous to the child and their follow motorists.

List of Cons of Raising the Driving Age

1. Less Socially Active Teens.
Teens who live in urban areas are typically able to get around without the use of a car, but those who live in rural regions may struggle to develop an active social life if they are not mobile. This can lead to decreased self esteem and a failure to recognize social cues later in life.

2. Teens Can’t Run Errands.
While some parents may worry excessively about their teens when they are on the road, but those who look on the bright side tend to look forward to their kids turning 16. After being forced to play chauffeur for years, the tables finally turn and they can ask their kids to run errands for them.

3. Harder For Teens To Work.
When teens are able to drive, it is much easier for them to find gainful employment. If the driving age is raised to 18, it becomes much more difficult for employers who tend to rely on a youthful staff to locate useful employees with reliable transportation.