Babywise Controversy

Babywise Controversy

One of the best seller materials that the consumers particularly the mothers won’t forget for the rest of the lives is the On Becoming Babywise magazine by Gary Ezzo and Jeff Gerke. Garry Ezzo served as the main creator of the material. And Jeff Gerke served as the editor of all the accomplishments of Ezzo that are related to the Babywise magazine. Ezzo chose Multnomah to be the permanent publisher of the On Becoming Babywise magazine. And the company didn’t resist to the request. However, these arrangements and transactions led to the development of a very unforgettable issue in the production of the magazine that was stated. And the title of the controversy is babywise controversy.

How Did The Babywise Controversy Begin?

This controversy started to spread in the different parts of the country when Jeff Gerke resigned in the position as the editor of On Becoming Babywise magazine by Gary Ezzo. This event served as a mysterious happening in the eyes of the staffs of Multnomah and the other people who know a lot of things about the background of the former editor of the accomplishments of Gary Ezzo. The instant resignation of Jeff Gerke served as a sign for the authorities that there’s something wrong with the accomplishments of Gary Ezzo.

And such believe was correct and true based on the results of the investigation that was conducted by Multnomah as the main publisher of the On Becoming Babywise by Gary Ezzo. Most of the topics and contents that are present in the magazine are related to the idea of breastfeeding and its importance when it comes to the process of enhancing the health of the babies. In the contents of this magazine, Gary Ezzo claimed that the tips and advises of the most popular pediatrician in the country regarding with breastfeeding are not really effective and can destroy the health of the babies. Such claims led to the more comprehensive explanation of the babywise controversy.

What is The Babywise Controversy?

The babywise controversy simply shows the fact that Gary Ezzo is against the latest recommendations and medical advises of the pediatricians for the mothers. The writer can be considered as a fool since most of the statements that were created by Ezzo in all of the volumes of the On Becoming Babywise magazine were the opposite of the reality. In the stated magazine, Ezzo pretended as a licensed pediatrician who knows a lot of things about pediatrics compared to the other physicians.

Such act of Ezzo has proven to the public that the babywise controversy is the most complicated issue that the authorities have encountered in the field of the medical industry. Several mothers believed in the contents of the material, and their babies turned into malnourished kids because of the false recommendations and health tips that Gary Ezzo has provided in it. Hopefully, this issue will never happen anymore in the medical industry since it can really affect the future of the nation and all of the newly born babies in the country at the present time.

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