Interesting Facts About Mt Vesuvius

Interesting Facts About Mt Vesuvius

Most people recognize Mt. Vesuvius because of what happened to Pompeii. If it isn’t for that devastating eruption, then the name is recognized because it has been said that Spartacus, the Roman slave who would lead an army, camped on top of the mountain. Here are some additional interesting facts about Mt. Vesuvius that you may not have known.

1. Double It Up

Mt. Vesuvius actually has two craters instead of one. This is because one of the eruptions of the volcano caused an internal landslide to occur, creating the second crater. This design makes it one of the most unique volcanoes in the world today and allows the flows from an eruption to reach nearly 2,000F in temperature.

2. Embarrassing

The ruins of Pompeii were preserved for nearly 2,000 years before they were rediscovered. Much of what we know about the Roman Empire today comes from the research done at this city. In 1819, when King Francis I visited an exhibition about Pompeii, the artwork was so erotic to him that he had it all locked away so only those who were mature enough to see it could do so.

3. Super Dangerous

There’s only one active volcano on the European continent and its Mt. Vesuvius. Because of its location to several major population centers and its history of explosive eruptions, it is also considered one of the most dangerous volcanoes in the world.

4. Silent, But Still Deadly

Since eruptions have been recorded, Mt. Vesuvius erupted eight times in the 19th century. It also erupted 3 times in the 20th century. There hasn’t been an eruption at the volcano, however, since 1944. This is one of the longest quiet periods ever recorded for the volcano, which makes it a particularly worrisome experience to visit the area.

Some of the oldest stone buildings known to humanity exist around Mt. Vesuvius. Some date back as early as 80 BC. Though dangerous, this volcano has helped us be able to embrace the history of humanity and learn more about who we once were. For that, we are all eternally grateful to the sacrifices of so many that have given us this knowledge throughout the centuries.