Interesting Facts About Yellowstone National Park

Interesting Facts About Yellowstone National Park

What makes Yellowstone National Park unique is that it could be said this park started a worldwide revolution of nature preservation. It was the world’s first national park and was one of the first designated World Heritage Sites. It’s also been designated as a biosphere reserve. With more than 3,400 square miles to explore over 3 states, this park is larger than the states of Rhode Island and Delaware combined.

1. Trees, Trees, and More Trees

Most of the park is covered with forest. Although the geysers and pools are one of the park’s main attractions [along with the 40+ waterfalls], water only makes up 5% of the total space of the park. The grasslands of the park make up another 15% of it. That means forest coverage is at 80% within the park, giving wildlife plenty of habitat coverage. There are actually 7 different species of conifers within the park.

2. Plenty of Wildlife

There are 67 different species of mammals that call Yellowstone National Park home. This includes 2 different species of bears, including the threatened Grizzly Bear. The threatened Canadian Lynx and the endangered gray wolf can also be found in the park. There have been more than 322 different types of birds found, 16 different species of fish, and even 4 different types of amphibians in the park too.

3. To the Extreme

The mountainous terrain of the super caldera lends to some temperature extremes at times that are quite remarkable. The record high temperature in Yellowstone National Park is 99F and was recorded in 2002 at Mammoth. In 1933, the West Entrance saw the record low temperature of -66F. With a high peak of over 11,000 feet and the lowest point of the park still being 1 mile above sea level, there is much more to see than Old Faithful.
Yellowstone National Park is a shining jewel of not just the United States, but the entire world. It is easily one of the top places that must be seen at least once by everyone.