Shane Claiborne Controversy

Shane Claiborne Controversy

A Peek Into Shane Claiborne Controversy

Who is Shane Claiborne? Well, he is an author and an activist as well as a leading character in New Monasticism and among the members of ‘The Simple Way’ in Philadelphia.
Have you heard about the Shane Claiborne Controversy? What really is this controversy about? Well, Shane Claiborne is a radical, sincere, and dedicated to achieve justice for unprivileged or poor. He devoted his life in this purpose to the very end.

For Shane Claiborne, loving Jesus Christ and the unprivileged or poor people go hand in hand. A lot of people are agreeing about the principle and belief of Shane. He has the seriousness and sincerity to pursue this, and that made him admirable to the people. However, not all agree to him. But there are also some who don’t. Anyone who knows about Shane Claiborne will realize that he is probably not concerned with having or getting human’s approval. Some people never understand why there is a controversy about him and some really do believe that there should be a debate about him, his belief and philosophy.

So, what about the Shane Claiborne Controversy?

According to some, the youth’s basic understanding and insight about the gospel will be unfitting if they actually accept the teaching of Shane Claiborne. It is very important for people to know what gospel really is in order for the people not to believe in different gospel. Majority believe that the gospel isn’t what people do but what Jesus Christ did and sacrificed for the people. To preach gospel is Shane Claiborne’s main call and if needed, use word. However, some people believe that this is quite impossible since words should be used in order to explain and expound the gospel.

Additionally, Shane’s exhortation to shout or preach the gospel reduces the very uniqueness of Jesus Christ’s work especially the crucifying by implying people can also do what Jesus did? Christians believe that only Christ can forgive sinners by way of dying – crucified for the people’s justification. Those people who don’t agree with Shane believe that he distorts the ‘gospel’ by literally confusing the ‘Great Commandment’ with ‘Great Commission’. With this, the ‘Great Commandment’ becomes the ‘Great Commission’.

Although Shane Claiborne’s appeal is to love ‘God’ and fellow neighbor is really a command from Christ, it’s not what actually saves sinners. Additionally, good works aren’t the gospel – they’re the ‘result of salvation’ by the gospel.

Not just that. Claiborne also writes that the religious doctrines are not very compelling even if the doctrines are true. He also said that he gave up his Christianity to follow Christ. This in turn leads to the issue and quite implies that what people believe about salvation and God is also uncompelling, and this is not appealing to the people. For them, Shane is in a way a preacher and teacher who actually belittles the religious doctrine while he redefine gospel as law that does not needs words to be explained and communicated. The Shane Claiborne’s controversy will remain a controversy depending on the people’s understanding and belief.

Imbalance In Ministry