6 Pros and Cons of Birth Control Pills

6 Pros and Cons of Birth Control Pills

Family planning is an important process that all families, new or old, have to take seriously. This is because having and raising a child is a big responsibility and financial expense that lasts years before they can function independently. That said, parents need to be sure that they’re willing and ready to have a baby before they conceive. But because accidents do happen and conceiving can’t always be avoided that easily, it’s ideal that couples choose a birth control method that works for them. Among the most popular is the use of birth control pills.

List of Pros of Birth Control Pills

1. Intercourse Isn’t Interrupted
Some couples who choose to use calendar methods are forced to refrain from having intercourse on days that are not safe. But because birth control pills can halt conception, couples can satisfy their needs without worry of bearing a child that they can’t sustain.

2. Less Menstruation
Menstruation can be a big hassle for many women, but birth control pills can reduce its frequency and even limit the symptoms of menstruation like cramps and excessive bleeding.

3. Can Be Used to Prevent Some Conditions
Chances of ovarian cysts, pelvic inflammatory disease, ovulation pain, and ovarian and endometrial cancer are all reduced greatly when a woman chooses to use birth control pills as her main contraceptive method. This is because the pills are formulated with certain components that help to bring about a healthier female system which works better against common diseases and illnesses.

List of Cons of Birth Control Pills

1. Can’t Be Taken with Other Medications
When taken with other medications, birth control pills may no longer be effective, and if a user is unaware of this, she might find herself ending up pregnant even when she’s on the pill. This is particularly inconvenient for those with maintenance medications of any kind.

2. Need to Be Taken Strictly Routinely
If a woman on the pill fails to take her dose at the right time, she can disrupt the effect of all previously taken doses. This means she risks losing the effects of her contraception and puts herself in danger of conceiving when unprepared.

3. Side Effects
Because pills are designed to change a woman’s hormonal patterns, certain side effects may arise and cause discomfort. Acne, abdominal pain, headaches, and nausea are all common occurrences at the beginning of use but may persist if a certain woman’s body can’t tolerate the changes.