Pros and Cons of Being An Organ Donor

Pros and Cons of Being An Organ Donor

Being an organ donor is generally thought of as a good thing. If something unfortunate happens, then being an organ donor allows part of you to continue living on through someone else. It can be very rewarding for a grieving family to know that at least part of their loved one is continuing to survive. Many people don’t see a negative side to this decision, but there are some pros and cons that need to be weighed before a final choice is made.

What Are the Pros of Being an Organ Donor?

An organ donor has the potential of saving 8 lives.
Until medical technology advances to the point where stem cells or 3D printing can create new organs, we are all dependent on donor organs to treat certain conditions. The moment someone registers to become an organ donor, that is the moment they might bring life to eight different people.

You don’t have to die to donate.
There are several organ donation possibilities that exist today that don’t require a tragic accident to save the life of another. Kidney transplants in particular have become an almost routine operation. This allows you to experience the direct benefits of giving someone a second chance at life.

It provides a sense of goodness to everyone involved.
Even in tragedy, there are good things that come from an organ donation. The family of the recipient may find an end to costly medical procedures and the person may have more energy to return to a normal pace of life. For the family of the organ donor, a greater sense of peace can typically be achieved.

What Are the Cons of Being an Organ Donor?

Some people are concerned about when their organs would be donated.
There is a thought that some medical professionals may try to harvest organs from someone who hasn’t been declared legally dead as of yet. Although there are several restrictions in place to prevent this, in developing countries the regulations may not be as strict and that might be problematic in certain specific circumstances.

There is virtually no choice as to who receives the organs.
Although living donations will typically have a choice in who gets the organ transplant, no one else typically does. It goes to the person most in need according to current donation list rules. For some people with religious affiliations, the donation of an organ to someone of a different religion could be problematic to their faith.

It creates the potential for emotional conflicts.
People who are organ donors are typically kept on life support so their organs stay viable. This can create a deep emotional conflict for family members because they may see the person on life support as still being “alive” in a sense, even if they are brain dead by all measurements.

Organ donation is an important part of our modern society. Is it right for you? By weighing the pros and cons on this subject, you can make the choice with which you are the most comfortable.