Pros and Cons of Parliamentary System

Pros and Cons of Parliamentary System

When it comes to the parliamentary system, there are a number of advantages, but there also many disadvantages. These political systems can work as intended, but they are also particularly susceptible to corruption. With so many factors that contribute to the success or failure of parliamentary system, it behooves citizens to take the time out to closely investigate the pros and cons.

List of Pros of Parliamentary System

1. Accountability Between Branches of Government.
Every branch of the government is separated into different groups and the leader of each department has a responsibility to report to Parliament directly. As a result, one branch of government is never able to overpower another and this makes department heads much more accountable for their actions.

2. People Can Force An Election.
Unlike other forms of government, elections are not held at set points every two, four or six years. If the people believe that their government is not doing what they are supposed to do, their voice is always able to be heard. When the government has fallen out of favor, the people have the opportunity to elect a new one without being forced to wait.

3. Varied Opinions and Beliefs.
A parliamentary system does not allow for one party’s beliefs to overwhelm the decision making process. Administrations come together as a result of multiple parties’ coalitions, so they include a wide range of people and incorporate a number of different opinions that are held by the commoners of the population.

List of Cons of Parliamentary System

1. Big Parties Hold More Sway.
The larger the party, the more sway they will hold under a parliamentary system. When a system of this nature is in place, there is little to no incentive for a larger party to take the time necessary to listen to the concerns of larger parties. Smaller parties’ issues tend to be ignored under the majority of parliamentary systems.

2. Legislative and Executive Branches Intertwined.
While there are a number of checks and balances built into the parliamentary system, many of these checks and balances do not apply to the relationship between the legislative and executive branch. Those who do not support the parliamentary system point to the lack of checks and balances that exist between these two branches as a reason to abolish these systems altogether.

3. Monarchs Retain Power.
More often than not, most parliamentary systems retain some level of connection to monarch rule. Legislatures of parliamentary governments usually provide some sort of autocratic privilege for their monarchs, which gives them an inordinate amount of power. Most citizens in modernized nations do not favor these systems because they believe that monarchs are able to retain an unnecessary role in their country’s decision making.