5 Interesting Facts About Belize

5 Interesting Facts About Belize

Belize is often called one of the most natural locations that is still left virtually untouched by human fingers. There are a number of adventures that can be had, from exploring a waterfall to finding a hidden Mayan ruin. Some of the best diving sites in the entire Caribbean region are found in Belize and it is home to the second largest barrier reef in the world. No wonder why it remains one of the most popular vacation spots in the world today. Here are some other interesting facts about Belize.

1. Good Friday Has an Interesting Tradition

The day that commemorates the crucifixion of Jesus is a holy day for many around the world. Called Good Friday, it is a somber remembrance of what God was willing to do for mankind. In Belize, Good Friday involves more than prayer or church. It also means that you don’t go swimming at all. It’s considered bad luck. If you do go swimming in the ocean or a local river, you’ll likely be warned that you’ll be turned into a fish.

2. Watch Out for the Evil Dwarf

According to Belize folklore, animals spirits demand protection and respect. If any children venture out into the woods in order to harm an animal, they are told that they could end up meeting El Duende. He’s an evil dwarf that stands just 3 feet tall and he has no thumbs. He has but one job: to make sure that children treat animals with respect.

3. It’s Small But Not Undersized

Hurricane Hattie left a tremendous amount of destruction in Belize in 1961. It completely destroyed Belize City, which was the capital of this Central American country at the time. To make sure that the government kept functioning, the capital was moved to Belmopan. With a population base of just 12,000 people, it’s the smallest capital city for a country in the world today.

4. That’s a Tall Temple

There aren’t many tall buildings in Belize. The tallest buildings are, in fact, ancient ones. You won’t find skyscrapers gracing the skylines of cities, but you will find some tall Mayan temples. It’s one of the few countries in the world today where the tallest building isn’t a construction of what would be considered a modern civilization.

5. Watch Out for Bigfoot

If you’re wandering about Belize, then there is a chance that you might run into El Sisimito. He’s a version of Bigfoot, but a much scarier one. Instead of lurking in remote areas where there is lots of fog and mud, El Sisimito has no knees and backwards feet that he uses to hunt down his prey. By the way – you’re the prey. He likes the taste of human skin.