Interesting Facts About Mount Fuji

Interesting Facts About Mount Fuji

One of the most iconic mountains in the world today is Mount Fuji. It’s traditional snow cap can be instantly recognized by many around the world. What many people don’t realize, however, is that Mount Fuji is not one volcano, but three of them stacked on top of each other.

1. Eight Months

You can also climb Mount Fuji if you wish, but you’ve only got a limited window every year to make that happen. The climbing season begins on July 1 and it ends the last week of August. That means you’ve got about 8 weeks to get to the summit. There are 7 trails that go up to the summit of varying difficulty.

2. Still Active

Like many volcanoes, it hasn’t erupted in quite awhile, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t still classified as an active volcano. Its last documented eruption occurred in 1707 and it continued to erupt continuously for more than a month. Researchers believe that the 18th century eruption was triggered by an earthquake and are worried that current earthquake activity could lead to a new eruption at virtually any time. Some even describe the mountain as being in a “critical state.”

3. A Religious Experience

The first person known to climb Mount Fuji was a monk. His name wasn’t recorded in the history books, but we do know that he reached the summit in the 7th century. Hopefully he brought some warm clothes with him since the temperature at the summit, even on a sunny Summer afternoon, is only about 44F.

4. Symmetry Is Beauty

Humans are naturally attracted to symmetrical things. People who are generally considered the most beautiful, for example, have features that are virtually symmetrical. That also applies to mountains and that’s why Mount Fuji reigns supreme. Its cone shape is one of the most symmetrical in the world and that makes it truly unique as a mountain.

Mount Fuji is also used as a gauge for the environment. The snows have been receding over the years, sometimes even completely disappearing. Could it mean the volcano could erupt? Or is it a reflection of global warming? Only with further study can we know more of the secrets that this beautiful volcano has to offer.