Curfew Laws Pros and Cons

Curfew Laws Pros and Cons

The theory and use of curfews has been around for many years. Parents want their children home at a safe and reasonable time. While your child may not like it, curfew laws were enacted in many stat4es to protect your child. Many older teens may feel that they are old enough to be responsible for themselves, however, they are still minors and parents and the government are looking out for them.

Some parents, however, do not feel that curfew laws are good for children. They may feel that the government is taking too many liberties or that their children may resent them for not trusting them. Whichever side you stand on, it is good to recognize all the pros and cons so that you can make a rational decision for you and your child.

Why Do We Have Curfews?

Those who believe in curfews understand that there are two main goals to a curfew: to protect a child from being victimized at night and to keep children from getting into trouble. Curfews allow for parents to know where their children are and make sure that they are home at a reasonable hour. It helps to curb vandalism, break ins, child abductions, gang activity and other crimes. Gang activity, often involving minors, happens more in the night hours than in the daytime, so a curfew can protect children who may be victims.

Bars close after at nights and there are often drunk drivers on the streets. Keeping your children safe by having them home early protects them from these people. Children also need plenty of rest at night. Making sure that they are home early enough that they can get ample sleep will help keep them healthier, more focused in school, and more alert during the day.

Are Curfew Laws Useful?

Curfew laws tend to place limitations on everyone, regardless that they are meant for minors. Older minors who are able to have jobs are often faced with job suffering for not being able to work required hours, or face being detained by police for being out past curfew hours. Also, regardless that curfews do prevent more crime from happening, crime will happen no matter what if it is in someone’s head to commit the crime.

In many towns and cities, parents who do not know where their children are after curfew hours can be fined or charged with negligence or other misdemeanors regarding the welfare of their children. While it may not be the parents fault, they are often blamed. Many minors may also feel that curfews violate trust between them and their parents for the enforcement of a curfew.

In every household, a curfew will ultimately bring debate, or at least a good conversation. There are plenty of good reasons for a curfew between parents and children or instilled by the government, but there are also strong points for the opposition to a curfew. If your city or town has made laws about curfews, it is best to follow them. If they have not, an open conversation with your child can set limits and keep trust, while also protecting them.